Paul Vincelli

Last Revised: Sep 5th, 2024
Professional Biography
Extension Professor &
Scientist at Large, Southern SARE Program
Plant Pathology Extension Specialist
Provost's Distinguished Service Professor
Extension & Research
- SARE Liaison for the Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension (SARE) Program to the 1862 Land Grant Universities
- Management of diseases of turfgrasses, forest trees, and commercial ornamentals
- International agriculture
- Molecular diagnostics
- Programming on diverse topics relating to sustainability of food systems
- Outreach on risks and benefits of genetically engineered crops
- PPA-620: Fungicides, Advanced Concepts
- PPA-630: Introduction to Genetically Engineered Crops, Risks and Benefits I
- PPA-631: Introduction to Genetically Engineered Crops, Risks and Benefits II
- PPA-640: Identification of Plant Diseases
- PPA-641: Plant Disease, Population Biology, and Biotechnology
- Advanced Concepts in Sustainable Crop Production and Disease Management, Insights from Nicaragua (Education Abroad course)
Employment Highlights
- Extension Professor, University of Kentucky. Member of the faculty since 1990.
- Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY. 1988-1990
- Botanist, U.S. Peace Corps, Colombia and Nicaragua. 1977-1980
Awards, Recognition, Service
- Fellow of the American Phytopathological Society, 2024
- Jefferson Science Fellow and Senior Science Advisor with the U.S. Agency for International Development, Washington, DC, 2019-2020
- Member, Public Policy Board, American Phytopathological Society, 2018-2024
- Councilor-At-Large, American Phytopathological Society, 2015-2018
- Fulbright U.S. Scholar Award to Nicaragua, 2014
- Fulbright Specialist in Agriculture Award to Uruguay, 2013
- M. Whitekar Award for Excellence in Extension, 2012
- Great Teacher Award, University of Kentucky Alumni Association, 2011
- Provost's Award for Outstanding Teaching, University of Kentucky, 2011
- Provost's Distinguished Service Professorship, Awarded 2007
- Excellence in Teaching Award, American Phytopathological Society, 2007
- Fulbright Scholar Award to Uruguay, 2005.
- Master Teacher Award, Gamma Sigma Delta, Kentucky Chapter, 2004.
- Kentucky Turfgrass “Man of the Year”, Kentucky Turfgrass Conference, 2002
Selected Publications
- Vincelli, P. 2023. The Knowledge Intensification of Agriculture. Phytofrontiers Volume 3, Issue 4,
- Vincelli, P. 2023. The Knowledge Intensification of Agriculture. Phytofrontiers Volume 3, Issue 4,
- Sena, K., Crocker, E., Vincelli, P., and Barton, C. 2018. Phytophthora cinnamomi as a driver of forest change: Implications for conservation and management. Forest Ecology and Management 409:799–807
- Kachroo, A., Vincelli, P., and Kachroo, P. 2017. Signaling mechanisms underlying resistance responses: What have we learned, and how is it being applied?. Phytopathology 2017, 107, 1452-1461
- Vincelli, P., Jackson-Smith, D., Holsapple, M., Grusak, M. A., Harsh, M., Klein, T., Lambert, K., Lange, B. M., Lodge, D. M., McCluskey, J., Murphy, A., Neuhouser, M. L., Pray, C., and Weller., S. 2017. National Academies report has broad support. Nature Biotechnology 35: 304–306
- Vincelli, P., 2016. Genetic Engineering and Sustainable Crop Disease Management: Opportunities for Case-By-Case Decision-Making. Sustainability 8(5), 495; doi: 10.3390/su8050495
- Vincelli, P. 2015. Scientific Consensus as a Foundation for Extension Programming. Journal of Extension 53:1COM2.
- Vincelli, P., and Lee, C. 2015. Influence of open alleys in field trials assessing yield effects from fungicides in corn. Plant Disease 99:263-266.
- Vincelli, P. and Humble, J. 2013. Climate Change Extension, Presenting the Science is Necessary but Insufficient. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 4(4):109-116.
- Vincelli, P., and Amsden, B. 2013. Comparison of tissue-disruption methods for PCR-based detection of plant pathogens. Plant Dis. 97:363-368.
- Vincelli, P., Meyer, L., Burris, R., Coolong, T., Bessin, R., Bewley, J., Taraba, J., Barnes, T., McCulley, R., and Wagner, G. 2011. Climate Change: A Brief Summary for Kentucky Extension Agents. ID-191, 4 pp.
- Vincelli, P., Williams, D.W., and Dixon, E. 2011. Early curative fungicide applications provide disease control on fairway-height creeping bentgrass. Online. Applied Turfgrass Science. doi:10.1094/ATS-2011-1025-01-RS.
- Vincelli, P., and Seebold, K. 2009. Report of a Watermelon mosaic potyvirus strain in Kentucky undetected by ELISA. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2009-0313-01-BR.
- Vincelli, P. and Tisserat, N. 2008. Nucleic acid-based pathogen detection in applied plant pathology. Plant Dis. 92:660-669.
- Vincelli, P. 2004. Simulations of fungicide runoff following applications for turfgrass disease control. Plant Dis.88:391-396.
- Vincelli, P., and Dixon, E. 2002. Resistance to Q o I (strobilurin-like) fungicides in isolates of Pyricularia grisea from perennial ryegrass. Plant Disease 85:235-240.
- Vincelli, P., Henning, J., Hendrick, T., Brown, J., Osborne, L. J., Prewitt, B., Shields, V., Sorrell, D., Strohmeier, K. D., Tackett, R., and Wyles, J. W. 2000. Improved seedling health, yield, and stand persistence with Aphanomyces root rot-resistant alfalfa following natural epidemics. Agron. J. 92:1071-1076.
Ph.D., Plant Pathology, Cornell University, 1988
M.S., Plant Pathology, Rutgers University, 1983
B.A., Botany, Rutgers University, 1981