Tyler Dreaden

219 Plant Science Building
Lexington, KY 40546-0312
Last Revised: Sep 5th, 2024
Professional Biography
Adjunct Faculty
US Forest Service Research Plant Pathologist
- Design and implement a population genetics study of the laurel wilt pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola, using microsatellite markers
- Identify the endophyte community in lingering ash that have survived emerald ash borer
Employment Highlights
- Research Plant Pathologist, USDA Forest Service, Lexington, KY, 2015 to present
- Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Florida, 2014-2015
- Research Assistant, University of Florida, 2007-2014
Recent Research Publications
- McNulty, S., A. Baca, M. Bowker, S. Brantley, T. Dreaden, S.W. Golladay, T. Holmes, N. James, S. Liu, R. Lucardi, A. Mayfeld, G. Sun, E. Treasure, L.M. Conner, L.L. Smith, J.M. Vose. 2019. Managing Effects of Drought in the Southeast United States. In: Vose, J.M., D.L. Peterson, C.H. Luce, T. Patel-Weynand, eds. Effects of drought on forests and rangelands in the United States: translating science into management responses. Gen. Tech. Rep. WO-98. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Washington Office. 191-220. Chapter 9.
- Loyd, A.L., K.D. Chase, A. Nielson, N. Hoover, T.J. Dreaden, A.E. Mayfield, E. Crocker, and S.W. Fraedrich. 2019. First report of laurel wilt caused by Raffaelea lauricola on Sassafras albidum in Tennessee and Kentucky. Plant Disease. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-09-19-1914-PDN.
- Kobziar, L.N., M.R.A. Pingree, A.C. Watts, K.N Nelson, T.J. Dreaden, M. Ridout. 2019. Accessing the Life in Smoke: A New Application of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to Sample Wildland Fire Bioaerosol Emissions and Their Environment. Fire, 2, 56. https://doi.org/10.3390/fire2040056
- Crocker, E., T. Dreaden, K. Leonberger, N. Gauthier. Laurel Wilt Disease: A Treat to Kentucky Sassafras Trees. Kentucky Pest News. July 30, 2019.
- Sena, K. L., J. Yang, A. J. Kohlbrand, T. J. Dreaden, C. D. Barton. 2019. Landscape variables influence Phytophthora cinnamomi distribution within a forested Kentucky watershed. Forest Ecology and Management. 436:39–44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2019.01.008.
- Dreaden, T. J., M. A. Hughes, R. C. Ploetz, A. Black, J. A. Smith. 2019. Genetic Analyses of the Laurel Wilt Pathogen, Raffaelea lauricola, in Asia Provide Clues on the Source of the Clone that is Responsible for the Current USA Epidemic. Forests. 10, 37; doi:10.3390/f10010037.
- Kobziar, L. N., M. R. A. Pingree, H. Larson, T. J. Dreaden, S. Green, J. A. Smith. 2018. Pyroaerobiology: the aerosolization and transport of viable microbial life by wildland fire. Ecosphere. 9(11):e02507. 10.1002/ecs2.2507.
- Sena, K. L., T. J. Dreaden, E. Crocker and C. D. Barton. 2018. Detection of Phytophthora cinnamomi in forest soils by PCR on DNA extracted from leaf disc baits. Plant Health Progress 19:193-200. DOI:10.1094/PHP-01-18-0004-RS.
- Sena, K. L., K. M. Yeager, T. J. Dreaden, and C. D. Barton. 2018. Phytophthora cinnamomi Colonized Reclaimed Surface Mined Sites in Eastern Kentucky: Implications for the Restoration of Susceptible Species. Forests. 19:193-200. doi:10.3390/f9040203.
- Hughes, M. A., J. J. Riggins, F. H. Koch, A. I. Cognato, C. Anderson, J. P. Formby, T. J. Dreaden, R. C. Ploetz, J. A. Smith. 2017. No rest for the laurels: Symbiotic invaders causes unprecedented damage to southern USA forests. Biological Invasions. DOI 10.1007/s10530-017-1427-z.
- Ploetz, R. C., M. A. Hughes, P. E. Kendra, S. W. Fraedrich, D. Carrillo, L. L. Stelinski, J. Hulcr, A. E. Mayfield, III, T. J. Dreaden, J. H. Crane, E. A. Evans, B. A. Schaffer, and J. A. Rollins. 2017. Recovery plan for laurel wilt of avocado, caused by Raffaelea lauricola. Plant Health Prog. 18:51-77. doi:10.1094/PHP-12-16-0070-RP.
- Ploetz, R. C., P. E. Kendra, R. A. Choudhury, J. A. Rollins, A. Campbell, K. Garrett, M. Hughes, T. Dreaden. 2017. Laurel Wilt in Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems: Understanding the Drivers and Scales of Complex Pathosystems. Forests. 8:48; doi:10.3390/f8020048.
- Simmons, D. R., Z. W. de Beer, Y. Huang, C. C. Bateman, A. S. Campbell, T. J. Dreaden, Y. Li, R. C. Ploetz, H. Li, C. Chen, M. J. Wingfield, J. Hulcr. 2016. New Raffaelea species (Ophiostomatales) from the United States and Taiwan associated with ambrosia beetles and plant hosts. IMA Fungus. 7:265-273.
- Dreaden, T.J., J.A. Smith, M.M. Cram, and D.R. Coyle. 2016. Biology, diagnosis and management of Heterobasidion root disease of southern pines. Southern Regional Extension Forestry Fact Sheet SREF-FH-004. 5 p.
- Dreaden, T. J., A. S. Campbell, C. A. Gonzalez-Benecke, R. C. Ploetz and J. A. Smith. 2016. Response of swamp bay, Persea palustris, and redbay, P. borbonia, to Raffaelea spp. isolated from Xyleborus glabratus. Forest Pathology. DOI: 10.1111/efp.12288.
- Campbell, A. S., R. C. Ploetz, T. J. Dreaden, P. Kendra, and W. Montgomery. 2016 Geographic variation in mycangial communities of Xyleborus glabratus. Mycologia. 15-133. DOI:10.3852/15-133
- Ploetz , R. C., Y. Y. Thant, M. A. Hughes, T. J. Dreaden, J. Konkol,J. A. Smith, and C. L. Harmon. 2016. Laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola, is detected for the first time outside the southeastern USA. Plant Disease. Accepted.
- McCluskey,K., A. Alvarez, R. Bennett, D. Bokati, K. Boundy-Mills, D. Brown, T. Bull, M. Coffey, T. J. Dreaden, C. Duke, G. Dye, E. Ehmke, K. Eversole, K. Fenstermacher, D. Geiser, A. Glaeser, S. Greene, L. Gribble, P. Griffith, K. Hanser, R. Humber, W. Johnson, A. Kermode, M. Krichevsky, M. Laudon, J. Leach, J. Leslie, M. May, U. Melcher, D. Nobles, R. Fonseca, S. Robinson, M. Ryan, J. Scott, C. Silflow, A. Vidaver, M. Webb, E. Wertz, S. Yentsch, and S. Zehr. 2016. The U.S. Culture Collection Network lays the foundation for progress in preservation of valuable microbial resources. Phytopathology 106: 532-540.
- Dreaden, T. J., J. M. Davis, Z. W. de Beer, R. C. Ploetz, P. S. Soltis, M. J. Wingfield, and J. A. Smith. 2014. Phylogeny of ambrosia beetle symbionts in the genus Raffaelea. Fungal Biology. 118:970-978. DOI: 10.1016/j.funbio.2014.09.001.
- Dreaden, T. J., J. M. Davis, M. J. Wingfield, and J. A. Smith. 2014. Development of a PCR-RFLP Based Detection Method for the Oak Pathogens Diplodia corticola and D. quercivora. Plant Health Progress. 15:9-12.
- Dreaden, T. J., J. M. Davis, C. L. Harmon, R. C. Ploetz, A. J. Palmateer, P. S. Soltis, and J. A. Smith. 2014. Development of multilocus PCR assays for Raffaelea lauricola, causal agent of laurel wilt disease. Plant Disease. 98:379-383.
- Dreaden, T. J., A. W. Black, S. Mullerin, and J. A. Smith. 2014. First Report of Diplodia quercivora Causing Shoot Dieback and Branch Cankers on Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) in the USA. Plant Disease 98:282.
- Ploetz, R.C., J. M. Perez-Martınez, J. A. Smith, M. Hughes, T. J. Dreaden, S. A. Inch, and Y. Fu. 2012. Responses of avocado to laurel wilt, caused by Raffaelea lauricola. Plant Pathology 61 (4): 801-808.
- Dreaden, T. J., J. A. Smith, G.M. Blakeslee, and E. L. Barnard. 2012. Development and evaluation of a real-time PCR seed lot screening method for Fusarium circinatum, causal agent of pitch canker disease. Forest Pathology 42 (5): 405-411.
- Ploetz R. C., J. E. Peña, J. A. Smith, T. J. Dreaden, J. H. Crane, T. Schubert, and W. Dixon. 2011. Laurel wilt is confirmed in Miami-Dade County, center of Florida’s commercial avocado production. Plant Disease 95. 1589.
- Dreaden, T. J., K. Shin, and J. A. Smith. 2011. First Report of Diplodia corticola Causing Branch Cankers on Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) in Florida. Plant Disease 95. 1027.
Ph.D., Forest Pathology, University of Florida, 2014
M.S., Forest Pathology, University of Florida, 2010
B.S., Forest Resources and Conservation, University of Florida, 2006